Monday, April 26, 2010

Extremists are soft targets

"I've spoken with the other ministers- it looks like it's going to be a vote of No Confidence. I'm sorry."

As Poona turned away from the VidScreen, she felt an ache in one of her lower circuits- an ache that seemed to grip her more and more these days, as more and more the pressures of being the first Lesbian Indian-Chinese Cyborg Woman Prime Minister of Australia weighed down upon her.

She remembered, as a child, how her parents- three homosexual scientists of different ethnic origins- had openly laughed at her political aspirations, and how she felt that she had proven them wrong as she triumphantly sipped Space-Champagne at her inauguration party (a party which, like all lesbian parties, soon degenerated into a wildly passionate orgy, an orgy so intense that it had nearly frazzled her motherboard). But now she felt that she could hear them laughing, mocking her, as her lesbian cyborg dreams came crashing down around her- her rational computer mind could dismiss these thoughts all it wanted, it reasoned, 'But Poona, how could you hear them laughing? Their suspended animation chambers are situated on the planet Jupiter- even with your super-bionic hearing, you'd never register sound waves at such a distance!'-

-but she was only part machine, and the other part of her was still a living, breathing, Indian Chinese Lesbian humanoid female, so the laughter rang on...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Poona. And you probably won't even be able to buy the withered skank-whore's old house that she sold 40 years ago to uproarious cheers from the Australian public... using arcane bogan witchcraft, Hanson invoked the damned spirit of Reg-from-down-the-pub (who had an unfortunate encounter with a sheep, a tractor and a wombat hole in May 2007) to protect the borders of her old property from those of ethnicity and with an IQ higher than 60.
